Masterclass Net Politics 2022
To successfully govern our information society in the coming years, solid knowledge about technological developments is crucial. The Masterclass Net Politics is a unique series of meetings with speakers from Amnesty International, Bits of Freedom, Open State Foundation, Internet Society, Waag Futurelab, Network Democracy and Racism and Technology Center.
The aim of the masterclass is to provide (future) decision-makers in the information society up-to-date knowledge, practical tools and relevant examples to help them take informed positions. There is plenty of room for informal exchange and reflection during the masterclass. The Net Politics Masterclass provides unique insight and brings participants into contact with a relevant network of other stakeholders from various disciplines.
Content programming and organisation of the masterclass are in the hands of Sara Spaargaren (AI, Media and Democracy Lab), Marit Hoefsloot (Waag), Sander van der Waal (Waag) and Paul Suijkerbuijk (ISOC, The Greenland). Paul Suijkerbuijk will provide moderation and supervision of the meetings.