Smart Retrofitting for Urban Housing
To make existing houses more energy efficient, large scale renovation projects are planned in the urban housing sector. The effect of these projects on the energy consumption is largely depending on the behaviour of the residents.
In the project ‘Smart Retrofitting for Urban Housing’, the Wageningen University, Ymere and Waag research what a short co-creation process could do to involve the residents when making renovation plans. Residents and specialists of Ymere will create what is called a 'preferred scenario' together.
The aim is to make a close connection between the renovation and isolation measures taken and the wishes and behaviour of the residents. Waag is responsible for the co-creation process in Amsterdam. Ymere makes a number of small renovation projects available for this purpose.
You can read the results of this project in this publication.
Wageningen University conducts a comparable research into the methods and impact of renovation schemes in social housing in Amsterdam and Mianyang (China).
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Project duration
- AMS Institute
- Wageningen University & Research
- Ymere
- Chinese Academy of Social Sciences