Amsterdam walking
Human BY
Amsterdam RealTime
Waag/Esther Polak BY

Amsterdam Realtime revives in visualizations Human app

Human, the app that set out with a goal of getting people moving for 30 minutes or more every day, has launched a visualization tool which allows you to see what activities people around the world are doing the most often.

The visualizations have a striking resemblance with the outcome of our project Amsterdam Realtime from 2002/2003, that we conducted with artists Esther Polak and Jeroen Kee. In those days, there were no smartphones with GPS-tracking, but special GPS tracers were used. Participants in the project were equipped with such a device during their travels through the city, thus building maps with their routes.

It is interesting to see that the results from the Human Cities visualizations have the same kind of a result 12 years later, but now on a global scale. Amsterdam is actually the top city for cycling, while Washington took the top spot for walking and Berlin for running. Los Angeles is clearly the biggest fan of motorized transport, according to these stats. As well as giving you the percentages, the page also shows the most popular routes for each activity in each city.

This is how we move from Human on Vimeo.