Anno Drenthe website Archief BY BY awarded

The website of the Drents Archive and 7scenes has been chosen by a professional jury to be the best history website of 2012! As such, AnnoDrenthe has received the prestigious History Online Award (official Dutch title: Geschiedenis Online Prijs).

From the jury report

According to the report, the jury has chosen a website that, of all the nominees, is most oriented towards the future. AnnoDrenthe succeeds in reaching a new audience of people not so familiar with visiting archives, but interested in history once they encounter it. The website and mobile application was praised for the way it links historical material to the contemporary reality. An decisive factor for determining the winner was that clearly takes into account the fact that more and more people use internet via their smartphones. The report states the project has succeeded in using mobile to bring historical information closer to the customer.

AnnoDrenthe doesn’t only unlock the archive of the Drents Archive, but encourages users to contribute their own stories and content as well. The jury thinks the annodrenthe project should be rewarded for anticipating this crowd sourcing trend.

About AnnoDrenthe is a website and location-based mobile app. Both enable you to experience Drenthe and it’s history in a totally new way. Everyone can discover how their residence used to look like on historical maps of Drenthe. On many locations on the map there’s information of the Drents Archive to be found: the project contains more than 40.000 photos, videos and documents that tell stories about locations. Stories about history, culture and nature are now open to everyone.

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