Waag Open Space

Apps and business

On Monday 4 June 2012, within the framework of Apps for Amsterdam, an Waag Open Space was held at the Waag in Amsterdam. About 60 developers and entrepreneurs came together to discuss 'Apps and Business'. Waag and Appsterdam invited three speakers for this interactive session: Patrick de Zeeuw of Startup Bootcamp, John van Echtelt of Nederland Opent Data and Martijn Blom of De Investeerders Club.

This year's edition of Apps for Amsterdam does not only aim for the development of smart apps, but also wants to support developers and companies to create applications that can survive on the market. That's why we researched the way that Open Data, Apps and Business can meet in this Waag Open Space.

Patrick de Zeeuw has a lot of experience in working with start-up companies with Startup Bootcamp. These start-ups get a chance to prove themselves before an international jury of investors. They come in contact with an interesting network, learn to present their ideas and companies and get insight in their weak and strong points.

John van Echtelt, business consultant at Logica Nederland analyzed for Nederland Opent Data the business opportunities of Open Data. With the famous Business Model Canvas, he charted the many questions surrounding Open Data. The participants of this Waag Open Space were devided in groups to look at and discuss a business idea following this method, and then pitched it before three experts. A unique opportunity to get feedback of specialists in the field. The thus presented five ideas were very diverse. Some were still ideas, others took this chance to present an existing product. An example of this was WebZAP, a tv-on-demand service. Although this product exists and could be shown, its uniqueness did not become clear from the pitch, something that bothers many pitchers.

The last expert to speak was Martijn Blom representing De Investeerders Club, a group of 'informal investors' residing in Rotterdam and Utrecht and shortly in Amsterdam too. Martijn showed both the advantages and disadvantages in working with investors and the processes that take place.

Waag and Apps for Amsterdam will be assisting developers and entrepreneurs more often at Waag Open Space to help them shaping theirs plans and ideas.

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