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Big, Open & Beautiful about data sharing

How far do we want to go in sharing our personal data online? Or would you rather keep your data private so you can have more control? Do you still own your identity in a virtual environment? And do our privacy laws also function in the virtual world?

The third episode of Big, Open & Beautiful was held on 5 June 2013. In  ‘I share, therefore I am’ we explored the boundaries between the private sphere and the public domain. We invited speakers with various backgrounds: from someone who loves to share to a critical Internet user. And from a lawyer specializing in this field to an identity hacker.

Who were our guests?

The British artist Heath Bunting gives insight into the networks at play that constitute an identity, like banks, health care and education. By using these different networks Bunting creates new synthetic identities. In his 'Identity Bureau' one can purchase official and legal UK identities. Bunting is banned for life from entering the USA for his anti genetic work. From his artistic point of view, he will discuss (hacking) virtual identities.

James Burke is an interaction designer and technologist currently working under the moniker of Lifesized. James is an active member of the global ‘Quantified Self’ movement, which describes itself as 'self knowledge through numbers’. Quantified Self is a collaboration of users and tool makers who share an interest in measuring a wide variety of personal statistics, for example: sleep patterns, work habits, athletic performance or eating behavior. Quantifying this, often leads to discoveries about diet, cognition, mood, and sleep.

About Big, Open & Beautiful
Big, Open & Beautiful is a series of Waag and Pakhuis de Zwijger on open data, big data and the possibilities of visualizing data.

Big, Open & Beautiful is made possible by Creative Industries Fund NL.

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