Mickael Boulay developed a glucose meter in collaboration with Waag. This enables diabetics to measure the condition of their blood via an intuitive light feedback. With this project he won the Renee Smeets-prize for the best student of the Design Academy. Also, the project was published in the Dutch newspaper NRC and could be seen in the TV-show AVRO's Kunstuur.
Mickael started his work during his internship at Waag. Within the project COMMIT for Creative Care Lab he investigated new tools for diabetics. This resulted in the report ‘Rethinking Diabetes Care’, in which he discovered that there is little variation in the current range of glucose meters. Based on interviews with diabetics, he found that using these meters could even increase stress.
During his graduation it was a challenge to design a meter which is more intuitive and sensitive and makes it easier and less stressful for diabetics to measure their blood glucose.
In the press
The glucose meter was awarded with the Renee Smits-prize. During his study, Mickael also developed a set of cuterly for disabled people ('Transitions'). This set contributes to reducing motor limitations. Recently, these two projects appeared on TV and in the newspaper.
Read the NRC article here (Dutch only)