Mensen staan in het groen rondom een interventie in het landschap
Waag Futurelab BY-NC-SA

Discover Urban Ecology

The city is a ‘biodiverse hotspot’: a place where people, animals, plants, micro-organisms meet. But we city dwellers have lost sight of the living world around us. Biodiversity is under pressure and habitats are disappearing. To restore these ecosystems, we need to restore our relationship with the living environment.

Waag Futurelab organised the Landscape Festival in spring and summer 2023 to allow people to look at the living environment from different perspectives and to encourage biodiversity. Artists, local residents, students and scientists we're invited to discover the city as a living place and help build biodiversity interventions.

The publication Discover Urban Ecology takes you through the interventions that we're made during the Landscape Festival: Met andere ogen (Through other eyes). Browse through the temporary urban initiatives and read how joint activities can increase biodiversity and ecological awareness of residents. 

Download Discover Urban Ecology

Temporary placemaking

How can temporary places in urban renewal areas contribute to inclusive, sustainable and equitable cities? After four years of research on temporary placemaking, the insights are bundled in two publications for city makers to set up their own temporary urban initiatives.

The guide Temporary Placemaking offers methods to set up thematic interventions. The publication Discover Urban Ecology offers inspiration to what temporary interventions the methods in Temporary Placemaking can lead to. Discover Urban Ecology focuses on the theme ‘Greening, biodiversity & urban wilderness’.





EU official flag

This project has received funding from the European Commission under the H2020-SC5-20-2019 call under Grant Agreement number 868887.