Would you like to innovate the textile field? Then sign up for Fabricademy at Waag's TextileLab Amsterdam, starting September 2024. In this globally recognised six-month course, you will learn everything there is to know at the intersection of textiles, technology, and biology. For three months, you will take classes from renowned experts, together with participants from other TextileLabs around the world. After that, you will work on your personal project for three months.
After Fabricademy, participants often move on to start-ups, their own brands or to fashion designers, or they become exhibiting artists. They are part of a global network of artistic, practical innovators in the textiles industry - currently still one of the most polluting industries on earth. Together, we are changing that!

What does partaking in Fabricademy look like?
Fabricademy requires six months of full-time commitment from September 2024 to March 2025. Most of your time will be spent in the historic Waag on Nieuwmarkt in Amsterdam, where the TextileLab is located. Within Fabricademy, it is also possible to take only part of the classes, to put together your own module or to develop your personal project only. Check out the options.
Fabricademy is structured in two complementary phases: skills capsules and personal project development. During the first three months (September – December), as a participant you are provided with in-depth lectures and masterclasses on topics such as circular fashion, wearable technology, bio-fabricating materials and sustainability.
In parallel, tutorials and workshops will give you the tools and the knowledge to develop your own in-depth research project in the TextileLab Amsterdam during the Fabricademy programme. You will obtain hands-on experience to work with digital fabrication tools such as laser cutters, 3D printers and CNC milling machines, and introductions to a variety of complementary softwares such as Rhino3d, Grasshopper, Clo3d and so on.
In the second part of the programme (January – April), it’s up to you to integrate the knowledge and tools into a personal project. You will be mentored by our dedicated instructors and pool of international experts to develop your own project. Have a look at what previous participants made during Fabricademy at Waag's TextileLab!

Fabricademy: for whom?
Do you have a curious and critical mindset towards textiles and technology? Do you like making, experimenting and working with your hands and are you ready to share your making process while learning with a group of pioneers? Do you believe in open source and continuous learning? Then, Fabricademy is made for you!
We look for participants that believe a different world for textiles and fashion design is possible, one where biomaterials and circularity are at its core.
Specific knowledge isn’t required. Being in the intersection of multiple disciplines, this programme suits a wide range of (educational) backgrounds and professions.

Important information
- All information about Fabricademy at TextileLab Amsterdam
- General terms and conditions
- Application page
- Starting date for Fabricademy 2024-2025 will be announced soon.
- Deadline for application for early bird discount: 31 May 2024.
If you want to get in touch, if you have some more questions considering the programme, or if you’re curious if Fabricademy is something for you: don’t hesitate to reach out. Mail to: textilelab [at] waag [dot] org.

Fabricademy at TextileLab Amsterdam
Fabricademy runs in various nodes all over the world. TextileLab Amsterdam is one of the initiators of the programme, bringing innovation and access to technology for textile, fashion and material designers. Here, researchers, artists, engineers and creatives explore together the future of the textile and clothing industry. You can think of it as a playground for craftsmanship, heritage, technology, digital fabrication, shared knowledge and biology.
TextileLab Amsterdam is based in the Waag building, which decades ago used to be the house of the guilds and is one of the most interesting historical locations of Amsterdam. Here, we question and investigate future opportunities and challenges of technology and society – how these impact the textiles and clothing industries in terms of approach, systemic and holistic values-driven nature, technological challenges and environmental concerns. TextileLab Amsterdam was founded by Cecilia Raspanti and Ista Boszhard in 2016.

About Waag Academy
Waag Futurelab is a part research institute, part cultural organisation, that focuses on emerging technology, underlying assumptions, design, development and art, contributing to a more open, fair and inclusive society. It is accommodated in the oldest non-religious building of Amsterdam, the Waag, in the centre of the Nieuwmarkt square.
In this building, three of Waag’s labs can be found: the TextileLab Amsterdam, focusing on bridging the gap between textiles and technology, the FabLab for digital fabrication, and the Open Wetlab for biotechnology. Waag is not a school, but she intends to transfer her knowledge on the unique crossings of textiles, biotechnology, digital fabrication and more to anyone who wants to learn and to contribute to a better future. This is done, amongst others, through the internationally acknowledged academies: Fabricademy, Fab Academy and BioHack Academy.