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Finalists Apps for Europe 2014

The ten finalists of the European app contest Apps for Europe have been announced. This selection of open data business cases will showcase at the International Business Lounge during FutureEverything in Manchester 31st March - 1st April 2014.

Among the ten finalists are two Dutch entries. iKringloop was one of the winners of the second edition of Apps for Amsterdam in 2012 and the local Business Lounge in 2013. The app was further developed with support of the Amsterdam Economic Board, Waag and the City of Amsterdam Economic Affairs. Furthermore, Muse Open Source of Glimworm IT belongs to the selection, an open source software platform to publish a native iPad app for digital libraries of heritage collections.

The ten finalists in alphabetic order are:

  1. BikeCityGuide
  2. Carambla
  3. CarbonCulture
  4. Cloud'N'
  5. iKringloop
  6. Muse Open Source
  7. Nearhood
  8. Nostalgeo
  9. OldMapsOnline
  10. Second Take

Apps for Europe
Apps for Europe is a support network that provides tools to transform ideas for data based apps into viable businesses. It brings a powerful European network of individuals and organisations who have been involved in open data programmes and in supporting promising ideas to help ideas to scale.

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This project has received funding from Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Commission.