Apps for Europe - turning data into business

Apps for Europe created a thematic network to organise competitions for using open data, to stimulate the winners to start business ventures, and maximise the socio-economic impact and overall benefits of open data. It contributed to the open data policy of the Commission and stimulates the reuse of public sector information from governmental, scientific and cultural sources.

The project brought together 19 partners from ten countries that have a background in hosting and facilitating open data competitions, providing data and supporting business ventures. Together they built on and aligned 20 existing local and national open data competitions held over the two years by the partners and stimulated the participants to turn their inventions into viable businesses.

Business Lounge

The project developed a new, transferable and tested programme, that increases the business knowledge and potential for success of participants in open data competitions: the Business Lounge. The Business Lounge educated developers in creating and commercialising apps with market potential. Waag developed a guide on organizing a successfull Business Lounge (see under Publications).

Waag acted as coordinator of this project. Partners in this project were:

  • Vlaamse ICT Organisatie, Open Knowledge Foundation Belgium, Iminds VZW (Belgium)
  • Ceske centrum pro vedu a spolecnost  (Czech Republic)
  • Forum Virium Helsinki (Finland)
  • Eurecom (France)
  • Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland (Germany)
  • Consorzio Top-IX Torino e Piemonte Exchange Point (Italy)
  • PT Comunicacoes SA (Portugal)
  • Rooter Analysis SL, Fundacion ESADE (Spain)
  • Open State Foundation, Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld & Geluid, Stichting Nederland Kennisland, Stichting Europeana (The Netherlands)
  • Open Knowledge Foundation Limited LBG, Nesta Operating Company LBG, FutureEverything CIC (UK)

Meta data

Project duration

1 Jan 2013 - 1 May 2015



  • The Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme


  • FutureEverything
EU official flag

This project has received funding from Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Commission.

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