Reisradar App
Waag BY

Reisradar App nominated for development

The 'Reisradar App', developed by a team of Waag is nominated for further development within the 'Ontwijk de File'. The app is made ​​on the basis of the 'Social Travel App' which we are currently developing for our project Smart CitySDK. The Reisradar App illustrates what kind of services are possible using Open Mobility Data.

The 'Ontwijk de File' Open Data Challenge is organized by Hack de Overheid and the Rotterdamse Verkeersonderneming. They challenged the contestants to create applications and services that contribute to the reduction and prevention of traffic nuisance in the city with open traffic data. This data is available in the Rotterdam Open Data Store.

Of the total of nine concepts that were submitted, three applications were selected for further development: the AutoSnooze app by Inge Janse, the 'ParkShark Best Bet' app by Glimworm IT and our 'Reisradar' app.

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