Thesis Hanke Nijman
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Research Smart City Development

On 19 December 2015, Nanke Nijman successfully defended her thesis ‘Dynamic Roles in Smart City Development – Blurring boundaries in Smart City Pilot Projects’ at the University of Twente and graduated cum laude. In her thesis she studied two cases: our Smart Citizen Kit project in Amsterdam (2014) and the project 'ClaimJeStraat'.

Hanke Nijman about her research: "Within smart city projects the distinctions between design & use and between government & citizen are blurring. Because of these blurring boundaries the roles of actors within smart city projects change. Therefore the following research question is addressed within this thesis: How are roles of actors in specific smart city projects shaped within project dynamics, and how do these roles in turn influence the project dynamics?

These conclusions are translated into six lessons for dealing with these blurring boundaries when setting up smart city projects. These can be found at page 79 of my thesis.

Download a copy of my research here: Thesis Smart Cities".