Teacher Maker Camp

Toolkit: Teacher Maker Camp Cookbook

Every year, Waag Futurelab organises the Teacher Maker Camp, a multi-day professionalisation course for teachers and teachers of maker education. Here, teachers are introduced to the latest making techniques such as digital fabrication, 3D printing, electronics and programming. But above all, they take off their teacher hat and put on their student hat for a while. This gives them the chance to be inspired, learn a lot and make what they have always wanted to make.

Maker education helps pupils and teachers learn the skills they need in the twenty-first century. Media literacy, digital skills and critical thinking emerge from making with your hands. Learning by doing, in other words. 

The Teacher Maker Camp Cookbook is used intensively during the learning sessions and serves as a structure for the course. You can download this Cookbook for free, use it and adapt it to your advantage.


More maker education

In countless ways, Waag is providing maker education in Amsterdam and its surroundings and works to promote so-called STEAM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math). For instance, Waag established the Maakplaatsen in the OBA, implemented the Open Schooling method at secondary schools in Amsterdam and created a map of (extracurricular) activities for students. Do you work in education and would you like to get started with maker education and Open Schooling for your school or class? Then contact Eva Vesseur, lead of Waag's Maker Education Lab.