Open PCR
Do It Together Bio 5
Waag BY
Do It Together Bio #4
Waag BY

BioFab Bootcamp: Balancing with Nature

Curious about biotechnology and interested in fabrication and design? The BioFab Bootcamp is an intense 5-day workshop on biotechnology and digital fabrication. During this event we will learn how to improve our balance with nature through design practices. The bootcamp puts bio back into your hands and extents your professional skills as a maker, designer, artist or scientist.

You will experience how to operate digital fabrication tools, discover the principles of biotechnology, experiment with organisms, electronics, (bio)materials and (bio)informatics. Throughout the course alternating lectures by subject matter experts and hands-on session will guide you through the process of developing your own prototype. Throughout our journey, we will also reflect upon the implications of these newly acquired skills on future society.

The program starts on Sunday August 25th with a kick-off dinner during which you will be introduced to the program. For the next five days we will explore the Fablab and Open Wetlab in the Waag building on the Nieuwmarkt. On Friday evening you will present your prototype build with tools in 2D/3D fabrication, electronics, biodesign, synthetic biology.

This workshop is only possible with a minimum of 10 participants.




Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 288959 (KiiCS). Starting with #15, this project has received funding from the Europ