Gebouwenkaart: Amsterdam c.
Verstedelijking Amsterdam
Niene Boeijen BY-NC-SA

Hacking Heritage: Heritage & Location data clinics

This Summer, Waag and Digital Heritage Netherlands (DEN), partners in the project Heritage & Location, are inviting heritage specialists to enrich their data collections with geographic information for a larger audience. What can you do with your collection when you link it with geolocations? We'll begin with a collaborative data clinic on June 18 in the Waag. Afterwards, we'll go on a tour around the Netherlands for more individual, tailored sessions.

The historical context (time and event) plays an important role in heritage. In addition, many databases or services within digital cultural heritage contain specific location information. But historical geographic terminology is often not consistent with the modern names for sites (think of 'Amstelredamme' instead of Amsterdam, for example), or old street names may have been replaced by new ones. Before this resource can be used to its fullest potential, it is necessary to standardize the geographic information to connect the data to the right place at the right time.

Heritage & Location provides tools developed within the project to accelerate this standardization process. The hacking heritage program also allows for the application and distribution of these tools, so that heritage organizations can make full use of the opportunities it provides. With this extra layer of information, stories become deeper and new connections form. The result? The existing audience is better served, and perhaps even a new audience can be reached.

Free entrance after registration below.

Program 18 June
10:00 Doors Open
10:30 Introduction and context
11:15 Start: applying 'data cleaning' to one's own dataset
13:00 Break
14:00 Inspirational presentation
14:30 Brainstorm: new ideas for application
16:30 Conclusion: what next?
17:00 End

Data clinics, the objective
During the Heritage & Location Data Clinics, our technical and content experts help institutions to implement their data, and enrich it with the tools developed by Heritage & Location. In these sessions, we will pay attention to exploring new applications (apps) for enriched data. Suppose all heritage collections in the Netherlands were enriched with historical geodata. What new perspectives and possibilities could result from this?

BYOD - Bring your own data!
The clinics are intended for pairs of heritage professionals with both knowledge of their collection, and with technical knowledge of their (meta) data. We're holding the clinics not only to foster discussion, but also to work—so technical knowledge is required!

After the joint session on June 18, those interested can make an appointment with our specialists to have them visit your institution. During these individual sessions (which may range from several hours to a full day and take place in the months of June, July and August), there will be room to explore how individual datasets can be enriched.

On September 17, we'll conclude the program with a large 'Heritage & Location talks' inspiration event during which we'll demonstrate best practices to a wider group of interested parties.

Meta data




Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4, 1012 CR Amsterdam
