Bacteria in petri dish

Open Kitchen Science with Rosanne Hertzberger

On 4 April, microbiologist Rosanne Hertzberger, known from the Dutch television show Zomergasten in 2017, will talk about bacteria in the human body and making an low-oxygen incubator during our Thursday programme.

Many bacteria in the human body live in a low-oxygen environment. To be able to grow them in a lab, an easy to maintain, affordable, oxygen-free incubator must be built. During this Open Kitchen Science evening you will learn how that works.

The entrance fee is € 5, including a drink. This evening is in English.

Rosanne Hertzberger

Rosanne Hertzberger is a writer, columnist and microbiologist. As an independent researcher at VU University Amsterdam she studies vaginal bacteria and the influence of these bacteria on the health of women and children, for example in premature birth. Hereby she practices Open Kitchen Science, focused on cooperation, radical transparency and openness. The ultimate goal is to make the scientific method accessible to everyone.

Open-source hardware at Waag

The Open Wetlab van Waag builds open-source hardware, whereby designs for laboratory equipment are shared via open-source. For example, participants of the BioHack Academy build their own do-it-yourself devices for use in experiments.


19:30 Doors open
20:00 Introduction by Lucas Evers
20:30 Rosanne Hertzberger
21:30 Q&A with Roland van Dierendonck, Lucas Evers and Rosanne Hertzberger

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 709443.

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22:00 hrs


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 709443.