Marleen Stikker will speak at ViennaOpen: the festival for open design, shared economies and the 3rd industrial revolution.
This year’s ViennaOpen Festival is focusing on recent developments in open design, shared economies and the means of production in the third industrial revolution. Open design and the open exchange of ideas, as well as working methods built on cooperation and collaboration, are already in use by creatives around the globe.
The goal of collaboration and coop–economies is to share resources and develop joint and common projects, products or processes. Since nowadays 3D printing is widely known and soon will be accessible on every desk top, the use of „Open Design“ has to be broadly communicated and well mediated. The recent ViennaOpen Festival is dedicated to showing the practical use of these open technologies, shared tools and its collaborative business models.
The festival starts on the 17 of October with input from international speakers and workshops and ends on the 31 of October. The temporary Pop-Up Store NEUBAU will be the festival center, exhibition place and workshop site in one. This year’s festival motto “we love the machine,but hate the factory” echos the fundamental believes of the “maker’s movement” and invites all active users and professional designers to collaborate and share their ideas.
More information (in German):
18 October 2013
19.00 hrs
Neubau Shop
Westbahnstrasse 22
Zieglergasse, 1070 Vienna