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Waag Open: Academy Show 2023 (Sold out)

You are never too old to learn. Although a lot of knowledge can be acquired in the traditional school desks, there are also other ways that prepare us for the future. Waag Futurelab believes in learning-by-doing, where you gain skills and build up experience while doing it.

That's why we organise different Academy programs every year. In our Labs in the Waag we dive into the world of biotechnology, digital manufacturing, open-source hardware and innovation in the textile industry.

This is the place for professionals, artists, curious teachers, hackers or creatives looking for knowledge, inspiration or hands-on skills. On Thursday 11 May, this year's Academy students will present their final work during a festive conclusion to the programme.

Come and get inspired!

Learning by doing: what better way to prepare for the future than by designing it yourself?

18:45 - 19:00 hrs - doors open, walk-in with coffee and tea
19:00 - 19:15 hrs - welcome & introduction
19:15 - 20:15 hrs - presentations thesis by students (PechaKucha style)
8:15 hrs - drinks
20:45 - 21:45 hrs - exhibition final work + conversation with the makers
21:45 hrs - end of program

The Waag Academy curriculum consists of different formats and has a diversity of themes, including the ethics of technology, design thinking, co-creation and DIY (do it yourself) manufacturing practices. During the Academy Show you can also get more information about the next edition of the Academies and the application process.

BioHack Academy
At the yearly BioHack Academy, students learn the basics of biotechnology in a 10-week course: how to build your own open source laboratory, how to grow your own living materials and how to do genetic modification using the CRISPR-Cas9 technique. If you’re curious to join next year: it’s possible to subscribe to the list.

The Fabricademy is an international, distributed, educational program. Participants explore and investigate the interface between textiles, digital manufacturing and biology in 6 months. The interdisciplinary course consists of international online classes and local hands-on research, design and creation of materials, products and systems with new technologies.

Fab Academy
Learn how to make (almost) anything - in twenty weeks! That is at the core of Fab Academy, the yearly worldwide education trajectory for curious makers. Since the start of Fab Academy in 2008, Waag has been one of its nodes, which means our Fab Lab is one of the now tens of places throughout the world that host Fab Academy. 

Waag Open
Waag Open is a monthly public programme focused on today's themes. We organise various workshops and present collaborations between scientists, designers and artists. Once a month, Waag opens her doors for programmes that can be attended by anyone and everyone.




7,50 euros


Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4 in Amsterdam

Nieuwmarkt 4
1012CR Amsterdam

Due to her monumental state the Waag building does not have elevators. A gender neutral toilet is present on the first floor.
