Waag Open, Uit de meterkast, Waag 2022

Waag Open: Out of the meter box

“It always remained rather unclear how the polar bears at the North Pole would actually benefit from me flipping my light switch”

As a child, you might have been told to turn off the light whenever you left a room, because you should think of the polar bears. To Rosalie Apituley, it always remained rather unclear how the polar bears at the North Pole would actually benefit from her flipping the light switch. 

While we have become more and more dependent on our infrastructures, the infrastructures themselves have become more and more complex. At some point, we stopped understanding them and often wouldn’t even think about them. But today, with the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis that came with it, it is all of a sudden the conversation of the day.

Rosalie asked herself: how many kWh do I even use per day? The research that she started led her to designing two lamps, that help us to make our energy use tangible. 

By turning the table lamp or pulling the hanging lamp, you can decide how many watt-hours of light you want to receive. The table lamp then turns back, and the hanging lamp rolls up. Through this action, the abstract unit of a watt-hour is translated into an experience. This is Rosalie’s attempt to take the electricity meter out of the meter box and place it in our living space, as a physical interaction.

Rosalie will present her research and demonstrate the lamps she has developed. Following this, she will lead an approachable design workshop where you will be challenged to come up with your own home applications that make us think differently about our own energy consumption. 

19:30 - 19:40 Welcome & introduction by Waag
19:40 - 20:00 Presentation by Rosalie Apituley
20:00 - 21:15 Design workshop: concepts and prototypes
21:15 - 22:00 Drinks & exchanging ideas 

This event will be in Dutch.

About Rosalie Apituley
In 2022 Rosalie graduated (cum laude) with Product Design at ArtEZ University of the Arts in Arnhem. Her specialisations as a designer are mainly design research, concept development and social design.

She has a critical eye towards existing manifestations and systems, and enjoys to unravel complex matter. Her practice truly values the role of humour within design towards a more regenerative future. 

“It is the role of designers to help form our infrastructures so all people can understand them again.”

Waag Open
Waag Open is the monthly public programme focused on today's themes. We organise various workshops and present collaborations between scientists, designers and artists. Once a month, Waag opens her doors for programmes that can be attended by anyone and everyone.

Because the Waag building is a protected monumental building, it unfortunately doesn't have an elevator. The event will take place in the Makersguild on the second floor of the Waag building.

In case you are short on cash but you do want to attend this event, please get in touch with tanja [at] waag [dot] org.

Meta data




Nieuwmarkt 4
1012CR Amsterdam

Due to her monumental state the Waag building does not have elevators. A gender neutral toilet is present on the first floor.
