WHYNOT, The Body & Atoms. Still from Symmetry by Ruben van Leer.
Ruben van Leer ©

WhyNot x Waag: The Body & Atoms

This event is part of a series, organised by WhyNot. During three evening programmes filled with science, art and dance – The Body & Atoms, The Body & Astronomy and The Body & Alchemy – you explore what it means to be a moving body, revolving in space and time, interacting with other bodies – big and small.

On Thursday 31 August, WhyNot will host The Body & Atoms at Waag Futurelab's Anatomical Theatre. Together with experts and artists, you'll travel back into the early universe, and explore different perspectives on bodies of matter. How and when did matter emerge after the big bang? What are the smallest particles like? What makes a body a body, and what is matter anyway? When zooming in on the quantum scale, can we still phantom the odd behaviours of the subatomic particles that make up our own spinning and dancing bodies? 


The programme starts at 20:00 hrs, doors are open at 19:30 hrs. Lucas Evers (Waag Futurelab) will provide an introduction and the programme will be moderated by artist and earth scientist Esmee Geerken

Particle physicist Osama Karkout will talk about quantum entanglements, his favourite quark flavours and the quest for interacting Higgs bosons, using the CERN Large Hadron Collider.

Filmmaker Ruben van Leer was the first filmmaker to be admitted inside CERN. Fragments of his Sci-Fi Opera film 'Symmetry' will allow us to travel inside the Large Hadron Collider, following a physicist in search of the smallest primordial particle, to find love without end.

Dancer Yoko Haveman is a contemporary dancer, choreographer and photographer with a background in martial arts, physical theatre, floor work and partnering. Over the years, she has worked (inter)nationally with renowned choreographers, production houses, filmmakers and musicians, such as De Dansers, Dansateliers, iET & Davide Bellotta and Zuhause Productions. During The Body & Atoms, she will perform Conundrum, her interdisciplinary solo performance that explores the manifestations of friction, confrontation, and the obstacles of thought in relation to identity.

The event will be in English. 


About The Body &

WhyNot is organising three new editions of The Body &, based on the overarching theme 'Revolving Bodies'. Together with organisations in Amsterdam with specific expertise in astronomy, biotechnology and alchemy, researchers, choreographers and artists are invited to reflect on the dynamic relationship between these fields of knowledge and the movement of human and more-than-human bodies. Besides The Body & Atoms at Waag Futurelab, you can also visit The Body & Astronomy at Allard Pierson and The Body & Alchemy at the Rittman Library. The programme is co-curated and moderated by artist and earth scientist Esmee Geerken.





10 euros


Nieuwmarkt 4
1012CR Amsterdam

Due to her monumental state the Waag building does not have elevators. A gender neutral toilet is present on the first floor.
