ICT & Art Connect
ICT & Art Connect sets out to bring together artists and technologists to explore new ways of working.
Collaborative acts of co-creation, together with an open and multidisciplinary discussion, will foster the bringing together of art and technology. Recurring open calls for residencies will be offered to pairings willing to contribute a pilot project to the initiative. Moreover, all events will provide a space of discussion and creation through multidisciplinary round-tables, workshops, ‘hackathons’ and demonstrations.
ICT & Art Connect relies on a balanced partnership of committed organisations offering renowned expertise in the ICT and Art domains, important connections with ICT and Art practitioners in Europe and worldwide, many references at the ICT and Art interface, and longstanding experience of planned activities. This partnership is composed of Sigma Orionis (coordinator), Brunel University, Stichting Waag, Stromatolite and BCC.
Video channel for ICT & Art Connect
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 611074.
Meta data
Project duration
- Sigma Orionis
- Brunel University
- Stromatolite
- Black Cube Collective