STARTS Prize 2016 winner Iris van Herpen
Ars Electronica BY-NC-SA

The Power of Arts and Technology Collaboration

Lucas Evers of the Open Wetlab of Waag participates in the webinar 'The Power of Arts and Technology Collaboration' on Thursday 14th, December, 2017.

This discussion is critical to learn how arts and technology inform each other as a catalyst toward more novel approaches to creation and design. Each have their own language and philosophy and collaboration can be both challenging and extremely rewarding and bring pioneering outcomes.

The WEAR Sustain project funds creative and technology collaboration for the evolution of critical, ethical, sustainable and aesthetic wearable technologies and smart/e-textiles. The webinar discussion will be of interest to potential Open Call applicants and awardees.

Register/join here

Luis Miguel Girao, founder of Artshare, is a transdisciplinary artist and researcher in the application of technology as a tool for artistic expression. He collaborated with several artists and scientists and his work has been presented worldwide. He is the NATO Art Expert, is a researcher generating support for EU and Transatlantic policy making in the field of the crossings of art, science and technology. He is a transdisciplinary artist developing applications of technology as tools for artistic expression focusing at the moment on bioelectromagnetism. He is a member of the Planetary Collegium and of the Centre for Sociology and Music Studies of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon, Portugal. In 2007, he was awarded the Bolsa Ernesto de Sousa prize, Lisbon-NYC. He was coordinator of ICT & Art Connect study for the European Commission. These activities gave origin to the DG CONNECT's initiative STARTS - Science, Technology and the Arts, in which he is extremely involved in.

10 minutes
Speaking on the role that art and design can play in innovation in technology, as well as the importance of cross-disciplinary collaboration and cross-pollination in order to create new innovations and creativity, with examples from the ICT/Art Study, STARTS and Vertigo EU Funded projects.

Lucas Evers is initiator of the Open Wetlab of Waag. Lucas Evers initiates art- science projects within the Open Wetlab on local, national, and international levels, ranging from neuroscience hackathons to projects, such as Trust me I’m an artist, investigating the new ethical issues arising from art and science collaboration. Waag through Evers is a partner in the STARTS Program, which focuses on innovation at the nexus of Science, Technology, and the ARTS, uniting renowned art and research institutions and innovative industries to work on innovative projects where artists, scientists and engineers work together on radically different solutions.

10 minutes
Speaking on the benefits and challenges of artists, designers and other creatives working with technologists, engineers and programmers, as well as the collaborative process between experts from different disciplines, and the rewards and techniques to make it work?

Followed by 30 minutes discussion + Q&A






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S+T+ARTS Prize has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 956603.