Open Cities
The project ‘Open Cities’ aimed to validate how to approach Open & User Driven Innovation methodologies to the Public Sector in a scenario of Future Internet Services for Smart Cities.
It did s by leveraging existing tools, trials and platforms in Crowdsourcing, Open Data, Fiber to the Home and Open Sensor Networks in seven major European cities: Helsinki, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, London, Rome and Barcelona.
Even if Open Innovation is the "de facto" standard in innovation management in the private sector, we know little of how to apply it to the public sector. This is even more so when involving technological platforms, especially in aspects such as governance or incentives.
Therefore, the project Open Cities had five main objectives:
- Distill insights and best practices on applying Open Innovation in the Public Sector.
- Gain understanding on the management of Technological Platforms in an Open Innovation context.
- Validate the use of pan-European Platforms for Crowdsourcing, Open Data, FTTH networks and Open Sensor Networks.
- Trigger the development of Advanced Future Internet Services.
- Understanding how Living Labs could be effectively applied for promoting the adoption and co-creation of innovation in Smart Cities.
Waag was mainly involved in the part of the project that focused on enabling commercial and private use of public data for innovative mobile services.
This project was made possible by a subsidy from the Creative Industries Fund NL.
Meta data
Project duration
- EU ICT Policy Support Programme
- Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie
- Open Cities partners
- Fraunhofer Institut