Current projects

Smart Citizens Lab
The European project Enforce focuses on the challenges, for both residents and authorities, in reporting data so that it is usable for environmental enforcement.Stem van het water

Urban Ecology Lab
Stem van het water
In Stem van het water, Waag designs a method to make perspectives of both humans and animals, plants and micro-organisms on the IJ visible to each other. How can visibility and interventions help to be more considerate of each other?Kenniscloud 2.0

Smart Citizens Lab
Kenniscloud 2.0
In the project KennisCloud 2.0, Waag, Bibliotheek Midden-Brabant and VPRO are updating the platform KennisCloud by making it open source and based on public values.Voedselpark Amsterdam

Urban Ecology Lab
Voedselpark Amsterdam
Waag Futurelab, Stichting Voedselpark Amsterdam and artist Esra Sakir, investigate the relationship between het Voedselpark and the Nieuw-West neighbourhood. What role does food and local food production play for the neighbourhood?The Energy Transition in the Amsterdam Metropolis

Smart Citizens Lab
The Energy Transition in the Amsterdam Metropolis
How can the position of social initiative be strengthened so that they can produce 33% of electricity and heat demand in the Amsterdam metropolitan region by 2050?Designing regenerative technologies

Urban Ecology Lab
Designing regenerative technologies
In the project Designing Regenerative Technologies Waag investigates the impact of digital technology on our planet and develops ways of designing regenerative technologies.Science in the Cloud

Smart Citizens Lab
Science in the Cloud
The project Science in the Cloud researches how online platform KennisCloud should be designed for scientists, citizen scientists and knowledge institutions to collaborate on social and scientific issues.Human Values for Smarter Cities

Smart Citizens Lab
Human Values for Smarter Cities
In Human Values for Smarter Cities, Waag Futurelab investigates the process of procurement when applying smart city technology in public spaces.Imagining public connectivity

Smart Citizens Lab
Imagining public connectivity
The lack of meaningful imaginaries about 5G and the knowledge concentration within industries are catalysts of public distrust. We aim to create a shared knowledge base among citizens and governments to include citizens in official local decision-making processes around 5G.MeentCoop

Smart Citizens Lab
With a broad coalition of social organisations, Waag works to strengthen the local, cooperative community economy in the Amsterdam metropolitan area.T-Factor

Urban Ecology Lab
Within T-Factor, Waag will help enrich and steer the Amsterdam Science Park masterplan towards urban ecology-related innovation and enterprise.NWA Route Smart Liveable Cities

Smart Citizens Lab
NWA Route Smart Liveable Cities
Waag organises the route management around public programmes relating to ‘Smart, liveable cities’, aiming to better connect science with society.Hollandse Luchten

Smart Citizens Lab
Hollandse Luchten
Hollandse Luchten is a citizens science project where we involve citizens in measuring air quality in their environment in the Province of North Holland.Closed projects
Social Initiative in the Energy Transition

Smart Citizens Lab
Social Initiative in the Energy Transition
Commissioned by the Nationaal Klimaat Platform (NKP), Waag Futurelab worked on the design of a programme on Social Initiative in the Energy Transition.Public Civil Cooperation

Smart Citizens Lab
Public Civil Cooperation
In this project, Waag investigates new knowledge and process models, which support sustainable cooperation between citizens and governments.Healthy life, healthy microbiome

Smart Citizens Lab
Healthy life, healthy microbiome
Waag and the Microbiome Center are joining forces to research how technological solutions contributing to more control for patients in diseases related to their microbiome.Shared Cities, Smart Citizens

Smart Citizens Lab
Shared Cities, Smart Citizens
This project examines the conditions for building a future smart city. Public values and the rights and needs of citizens play a central role.Tipping the Balance

Smart Citizens Lab
Tipping the Balance
The aim of Tipping the Balance is to investigate which factors and strategies play a role in encouraging citizens to make healthier food choices.Participation @ Waternet

Smart Citizens Lab
Participation @ Waternet
Waternet strives to make the participative approach their standard approach in working, when possible and relevant. Waag's Smart Citizen Lab, aimed at citizen science, will help Waternet in taking the first step from pilots to a new policy.Sentinel Citizen

Smart Citizens Lab
Sentinel Citizen
Sentinel Citizen connects air quality data generated by citizen measurements of the project Hollandse Luchten, with data from satellites of the European Space Agency.Embassy of Health

Smart Citizens Lab
Embassy of Health
The Embassy of Health explores challenges within healthcare and unites different perspectives on the crossings of technology, design, science, arts and healthcare.Mobility Lab Bicycledatacommons

Commons Lab
Mobility Lab Bicycledatacommons
The Mobility Lab Bicycledatacommons explores the role of data commons in the usage of bicycle data.Digital Identity Lab

Future Internet Lab
Digital Identity Lab
The Digital Identity Lab looked for new ideas, concepts and concrete tools that can include a reliable and secure digital identity.Amsterdam Sounds

Smart Citizens Lab
Amsterdam Sounds
Making cooperative tools for civic participation and citizen science in the field of noise pollution.Co-creation navigator

Co-creation Lab
Co-creation navigator
Co-creation is a powerful way to deal with 'wicked problems' and innovate your professional practice.Mobility Urban Values

Future Internet Lab
Mobility Urban Values
Mobility Urban Values (MUV) is a three-year European project that examines how to engage citizens with 'gamification' in stimulating towards sustainable mobility choices in their neighbourhood.Cities-4-People

Co-creation Lab