Amsterdam Sounds pilot 2

Amsterdam Sounds Kit

In the Amsterdam Sounds project, residents and entrepreneurs in Amsterdam jointly measured noise nuisance at various locations in the city. By collecting data together and using sensor technology, we can also look for solutions together. We call this approach Citizen Sensing. Thanks to this method, citizens, enforcers, experts and administrators can find each other in a new way around a complex subject.

Amsterdam Sounds Sensor Kit
The Amsterdam Sounds Kit is an open source sound meter that is affordable and easy to reproduce for a hobbyist. In addition, the meter is 'open', so that we retain maximum control over the measurements and data within the Amsterdam Sounds project. Waag decided to develop a sensor ourselves because there are no other open source sound meters that fully meet our principles. The Amsterdam Sounds Kit consists of components that are easily available and applicable, as much as possible. We encourage people to reproduce the Kit, using its open source guideline.

View the Amsterdam Sounds Sensor Kit