Mingei Day Workshop_Reflow_6
Jimena Gauna BY-NC-SA

Reflow Instructables: Mend your own clothes!

Each year, millions of kilos of textiles end up in the wrong bin and get incinerated. And that's only in Amsterdam! The textiles get burned instead of re-used. Meanwhile, the clothing and textiles industry is one of the most polluting industries worldwide. Re-using your clothes, or longer use, are good solutions to prevent waste and pollution. 

to the instructables

Clothing mending techniques are over centuries old. Still, we don't remember them as well as we used to. This is why Waag's TextileLab created instructables and manuals, teaching you everything about mending techniques. Six instructables get deeper into various techniques to repair holes and wear in your clothing, whereas three manuals tell you everything about fibres, the histories of mending techniques, natural dyes and more. Each instructable includes a list of necessities. Are you ready to become a circular hero? 

Reflow workshops

The Reflow online workshop series ‘Don’t let your textiles go to waste’ was designed in 2020 to learn how to reuse, repair, reduce, rethink, recycle and revalue your wardrobe. These workshops offer the chance to learn how to repair holes in your clothes by revisiting the ancient craft of visible mending techniques and revalue old garments by exploring the world of natural dyes.

Within the Reflow project, the Amsterdam Pilot aimed to bring the local textile flow from linear to a circular model. 
One of the goals is to increase the clothing lifecycle through empowering you to become a circular changemaker! The Amsterdam based partners of Reflow project are the city of Amsterdam, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Metabolic, BMA-Techne and Waag.




EU official flag

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 820937.