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Waag Futurelab BY-NC-SA

S+T+ARTS: Artistic collaboration in industry

S+T+ARTS fosters collaborations of artists and the manufacturing industry in order to address, solve and innovate in the fields of societal issues such as sustainable product design/supply chain and the circular economy. Collaborative innovation provides new ways of looking at these issues and the learnings are crucial for policymaking and politics in order to create a better future. 

We want to call on manufacturing companies to open themselves up to the possibility of collaborating with artists. This leads to the creation of innovation and it stimulates workers and designers to think out-of-the-box. By working together with artists, a shared challenge is created, leading to the development of new ways of communicating and collaborating and thus strengthening the capabilities of both industry and artist/designer. 

Waag Futurelab is an expert in facilitating these kinds of collaborations, not only through our versatile network in the art world, but also through our experience of working with manufacturers and industry. We deploy this expertise fostering trans-disciplinary collaborations between artists, designers and the manufacturing industry.

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Video credits

A film by Waag Futurelab and R3 Media Content.
With: Zeynep Birsel (Concept Developer), Marije Remigius (Sustainability Manager at Fiction Factory), Jesse Howard (Autonomous Designer), Panos Sakkas (Co-founder & Leading Designer at The New Raw).
Cinematography/director/edit: Leandra Hoffmann, R3 Media Content.

Sound design: Mattis Rinsche.
Concept, interviews, research, production: Miha Turšič, Natalia Vargas, Anne Schepers.

Thanks to: The New Raw, Fiction Factory, Natalia Vargas, Miha Turšič, Lucas Evers, Zeynep Birsel, S+T+ARTS.


Waag Futurelab and S+T+ARTS

Science, Technology & ARTS, STARTS for short, when combined, offer special opportunities in terms of innovation. And innovation is exactly what is needed when we consider the social, ecological and economic challenges Europe will face in the near future. Art is a catalyst in this process.

The S+T+ARTS initiative, supported by the European Commission, focuses on projects and people who can make a meaningful contribution to this. Waag Futurelab is involved through various initiatives among which VOJEXT, Better Factory and STARTS Prize.

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Better Factory has received funding from the European Commission under the H2020-DT-ICT-03-2020 call under Grant Agreement number 951813.

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Vojext has received funding from the European Commission under the H2020-DT-ICT-03-2020 call under Grant Agreement number 952197.

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S+T+ARTS Prize has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 956603.