Joshua Abebrese ©

Waag in Parool: Makers and craftspeople make the city

The exodus of local makers puts Amsterdam's vibrancy and sustainability at risk. From large industries to small workshops, makers have helped make Amsterdam what it is. Scattered throughout the city, you will find individual makers and collectives, artisans and creative entrepreneurs. But their future in the city is under severe pressure, partly due to tightness in the housing market and gentrification. High time to actively pursue policies to avoid becoming a ghost town for office workers and tourists. Because makers are the key to a future that is truly circular and diverse.

Thieu Custers and Anna Trap of Waag wrote an opinion piece about it in Het Parool.

More on local makers and their significance for Amsterdam: 

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The Centrinno project is financed by the research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 of the European Union under grant no. 869595.