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Wool Monday #3: Open-source tools

Are you interested in exploring opportunities and challenges of wool, its colouring and making of yarn? Do you want to know what research is being done by other Labs elsewhere in Europe? Join Waag's TextileLab Amsterdam physically with three experimental sessions and talks dedicated to this wool ecosystem. We seek to explore sustainable and circular wool cycles at the scale of laboratories, together with other labs from the European project shemakes

Register now for the Wool Mondays! Every week, we will look at wool from a different lens to shape our collective explorations: Place, Design and Make. This week, we'll experiment with practices around sustainable natural dyeing processes (Design). To conclude, on Wool Monday #3, we will develop open-source tool-making to create what we call Little Wool Factories (Make). You can also choose to come to one specific Monday, but we recommend to join the complete series.

The workshops at TextileLab are fully booked, but it's possible to join part of the programme via the livestream.

Register for the livestream

register for the (offline) waiting list

Wool Monday 3: DIY Little Wool Factories (Make) 


Little Wool Factories are imagined as local spaces where people can process wool with accessible machines and tools. This day focuses on the “make” theme of our exploration by understanding a series of open-source tools. Learn which open tools are out there and how you could rebuild them for every stage of the wool chain, from carding to spinning, and weaving to knitting.

We invite you to join our lab-scale wool factory at the TextileLab Amsterdam. We will use as a departure point the colorful wool dyed on the second day of this series of workshops, then explore different techniques for carding, blending and spinning wool. A series of open source tools will be provided for participants to explore the techniques. 

>> Stay updated: subscribe here to TextileLab's newsletter!

About shemakes

Shemakes aims to empower future female innovators of the sustainable fashion industry through inspiration, skills and networks. This project is funded by the European Commission as part of Horizon 2020.



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This project has received funding from the European Commission under the H2020-DT-ICT-03-2020 call under Grant Agreement number 101006203.