Waag developed BodyGuard in collaboration with the Dr. Leo Kannerhuis, center for autism. This biofeedback system serves to support employees with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) during stressful situations at work.
For people with ASD, finding and keeping a job is problematic. The development of an application is desirable, departing from the idea that a timely observation of stress enables problem-solving as well as treatment and prevents possible drop-outs on the labor market.
BodyGuard is one of four innovative projects at the dr Leo Kannerhuis, all aimed to support people with ASD in daily life situations.
At the start of the project, a session was held with seven clients of the dr Leo Kannerhuis, representing the target group. The goal of this meeting was to gain insight in the daily working lives of people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the problems that they experience, especially at work.
This session was in cooperation with Joost van Hoevelaak for his graduation thesis at Delft University of Technology (Industrial Design), titled 'A little less stress. Designing a stress monitor for employees with autism'.
Meta data
Project duration
- VSB Fonds
- TU Delft
- dr. Leo Kannerhuis