Digital Democracy Lab
Democracies around the world are under pressure. According to some, new technologies play an important role in this development. Governments on the other hand are eagerly using new technology to improve their processes and adjust working methods. However, the use of digital means in the more democratic design of policy and in decision-making processes is still very limited. The Digital Democracy Lab wants to change this.
In the project with official Dutch title Proeftuin versterking digitale democratie,we work together with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, ICTU, Network Democracy and various Dutch municipalities to experiment with digital participation tools.
Waag believes in a powerful digital public domain. This requires the involvement of citizens, open-source technology and participative innovation. Through these core values, we will use our knowledge and expertise to experiment with various techniques and tools and their applications for strengthening the Dutch democratic system.
Waag will provide ICTU with advice and support in organizing workshops on digital democracy tools.
Meta data
Project duration
- Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken
- Netwerk Democratie