Glimpses of green energy
It is not immediately noticeable, but in Amsterdam North, the future has already begun. The Buiksloterham district is leading the way internationally in energy transition. Buildings there are natural gas-free, and almost all get their energy in a different way. As a passer-by or resident, you see little of this now. Glimpses of green energy will change this. With art objects on the street, we provide virtual glimpses into the devices and installations behind walls and in basements. On the pavement, a 3D painting shows where the district heating network runs. A viewing tube shows you how full the neighbourhood battery is underground. If you walk past it often enough, you start to see connections: the weather was very nice today, so the battery is completely full!
The ‘Glimpses of green energy’ concept stems from Waag Futurelab's artistic call and intensive neighbourhood research (visits, interviews, workshops with local residents) together with selected designer Tessa Steenkamp and her design studio Bits of Space.
Waag is part of ATELIER, a major European innovation project on energy transition. Two buildings are being developed in Buiksloterham, Republica and Poppies, which, together with already existing housing, will be ‘energy-positive’. This means that the buildings produce more energy than they use. ATELIER is working on technology and social changes that will make this possible. For instance, there will be a smart grid in the buildings, residents and businesses will soon be able to exchange energy locally and waste water should also produce energy.
On the project website ("Inkijkjes" in Dutch) you will find all the information about the project, the different locations of the views and all content. A walk along the different views will allow you to learn more about the different facets of energy transition.
The opening is scheduled for Thursday 13 June.
The Glimpses of green energy is supported by the Stimuleringsfonds creatieve industrie, the project ATELIER and the municipality of Amsterdam.
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Project duration
The Atielier project has received funding from the European Commission under the H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020 call under Grant Agreement number 864374.