It is the year 2090. Textile is the most precious possession in a person’s lifetime. After the 2030 climate disasters, the western part of the Netherlands has disappeared under sea levels. A new Wadden island emerged and it’s called Zaankogerland. On this island, historian Stientje Molenaar is researching worn and household textiles from after the Great Flood.
- In 2090, textiles are the most precious possessions in a person’s life.
- In 2090, materials and designs are based on renewing, reusing, refurbishing and repurposing.
- In 2090, sewing and engineering are deeply intertwined.
- In 2090, every new baby’s first gift is a hope chest, to be filled with fibers and fabrics that are to be worn and used for at least the coming 50 years.
This project researches the production and processing of textiles on the island of Zaankogerland in the year 2090. The research includes materials, designs, patterns, digital fabrication, handmade crafts and new manifestations of local dress.
On the fictional Wadden island of Zaankogerland near Koog aan de Zaan (a Western area that lies higher than the rest of the Netherlands), residents have succeeded in producing a large part of their textiles themselves. HOPECHEST2090, a polder science fiction project, is the prototype of a Zaankoger textile collection consisting of clothing, table linen, kitchen linen, bath linen and rags. These textiles are sustainable, waste-free, environmentally friendly and largely produced on the island. The project is about showing prototypes of the items that in 2090 are produced, worn and used on Zaankogerland. In collaboration with Waag’s TextileLab Amsterdam, artist Teresa van Twuijver explores the social and cultural impact of new technologies based on the following values: open, honest and inclusive. HOPECHEST2090 is a sample archive and style room of homemade, locally produced textiles. This new heritage is generated by digital technologies. Waag's TextileLab Amsterdam shares their expertise in the field of sustainable alternatives for the fashion and textile industry. HOPECHEST2090 wants to inform and inspire people about new and potential developments in textile and fashion.
Watch the trailer for HOPECHEST2090
This project is made possible by the Creative Industries Fund NL - Talent Development #2.