Robin van Westen

Robin van WestenProject developer

Robin van Westen worked for Waag as project developer Learn. She focused on developing new creative learning projects and projects in the field of digital and cultural heritage.

Robin followed her studies at the University of Utrecht (MA Theater studies, MA Art policy & management) and worked before at the University Museum Utrecht. She is also business manager for the Café Theater Festival in Utrecht.

Closed projects

FabLearn Maakfestival Eindhoven
Maker Education Lab

Maker festival and Maker Faire Eindhoven presented the best that the maker industry and maker education have to offer.
Future Heritage Lab

Heritage & emotion networks

The project ErEmEd researches motion networks on heritage in educational settings.
meSch tools
Digital Curation Lab

Mobile app for medieval imagery

Together with the CKD Waag developed a mobile app to make stories about mediaeval choir stalls more accessible.
ABC van het maken
Maker Education Lab

The ABC of Making

The world needs a new generation of critical makers and designers. Maker education can help with that.
DDS Avatars
Future Heritage Lab

The Digital City revives

We aren’t doing enough to preserve our digital lives for the future, so we lose crucial information.
Fabschoolino box
Maker Education Lab


Waag developed the Fabschoolino, a mini-computer you could solder together and program yourself.
Future Heritage Lab

Archive lab: Bootcamps

In collaboration with the National Archive/Progamme Archive 2020 and Utrecht University, Waag organized two multidisciplinary bootcamps to explore the future of the archives sector.
Platform Maker Education
Maker Education Lab

Platform Maker Education

Platform Maker Education gave an impuls to the bottom-up maker education movement in The Netherlands.
Maker Education Lab


Learning by making. With a focus on creativity, technology and entrepreneurship. That is what the project FabSchool is about.