Current projects
Commons Lab
Digit-Able aims to strengthen the digital capabilities and skills of social enterprisesMobifree
Future Internet Lab
Mobifree aims to bring about change in the development and use of mobile software in Europe by citizens, businesses, non-profit organisations and governments.Grip on Own Data
Future Internet Lab
Grip on Own Data
Waag Futurelab investigates how citizens can get 'grip on their own data'. We will analyse existing tools that the government currently makes available to give citizens insight into data that the government processes about them.Responsible Business Models
Future Internet Lab
Responsible Business Models
In this project, Waag and HvA investigate the conditions for digital public spaces and the fundamental aspects of a responsible business model.Quantum Inspire
Maker Education Lab
Quantum Inspire
The potential of quantum technology is enormous, but how do we get the conversation in society started about the impact?CATRIN
Future Internet Lab
Controllable, Accountable, Transparent: the Responsible Internet. Waag is working on a foundation for a new internet to increase trust in the digital world.PublicSpaces
Future Internet Lab