Wetlab bacteria BioShades workshop
TextileLab Amsterdam workshop

BioShades event at TextileLab Amsterdam

With BioShades we explore the potential of dyeing with bacteria as a less harmful alternative in TextileLab Amsterdam. During this BioShades event we connect with labs across Europe and dye textile with bacteria together! BioShades exists of a hands-on workshop and evening programme with experts from the field.

The textile industry is one of the most polluting in the world, in which one of the most environmentally disastrous processes is the dyeing of fibres and textiles of the clothes we wear. Chemicals are released daily in nature destroying the environment around us to satisfy the colour demands that we create as designers, industry and consumers. Very few options are being explored in this fast changing fashion, clothing and textile industry, in which the list of chemical treatments is only expanding. With BioShades we explore dyeing with bacteria as a less harmful alternative.

During this TCBL BioShades event labs across Europe will connect through a video conferencing system and address this issue during a distributed bacteria dyeing workshop and an evening programme that gives the floor to experts from different fields.

The whole event will take place at TextileLab Amsterdam – Waag, but you can join in different TCBL labs across Europe. Come to TextileLab Amsterdam and sign up here for the workshop and talks, or find a participating lab near you and sign up there. Join BioShades and let’s push the boundaries of the textile and clothing industry together!

BioShades is part of TCBL and aims to renew the European Textile & Clothing sector. We are exploring new ways to design, make, and work together and inventing new business models to open up new markets. BioShades is one of the research topics. Join the event and connect to the TCBL BioShades network and other people interested in this topic.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 646133.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 646133.