Smart Citizen Kit 1.1
Fab Lab Barcelona BY-NC-SA

Evaluation Smart Citizen Kit

On 16 June 2014 we evaluated the results of our experiment with the Smart Citizen Kit in Amsterdam together with the participants. Of course we presented our own experiences from the last three months, but two participants also took the floor to share their findings.

From outside, two professional speakers contributed to the evening: Dave de Jonge of GGD Amsterdam (Bureau Air Quality) and Marita Voogt of TNO, who approached the use of affordable electronics for environmental measuring from very different angles. While Dave emphasized that in his opinion this kit is 'rubbish technology' producing unreliable results, Marita said to be very happy with the initiative, "as we are just at the beginning - sensors will soon improve" and praised the fact that so many citizens were willing to participate in this kind of environmental monitoring.

We will soon come with a very nice datavisualisation of the noise data in Amsterdam and will publish our experiences and results in a report. For now these are our main conclusions as presented at the evaluation:

Smart Citizen evaluation - english