Fairmeter RIT Framework
Metabolic BY-NC-SA

Green Deal presents report on Resources Identification Tool

Cleantech development firm Metabolic delivered its report on a Resources Identification Tool for the new Dutch smart meter. The report was funded by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment and forms part of the Green Deal Fair Meter.

The report outlines the content and design of a resources identification tool. This tool follows from the discussions about a resources passport or label and aims to show what materials are present in the smart meter, where these materials originated,  under what circumstances and by which means. The tool aims to assess the smart meter on four areas that are closely linked to the Fair Meter performance ladder.

Within the procurement process of the smart meter this report will form the basis for discussions on supply chain transparency and will likely see the first build and application of this resources identification tool. The tool is designed for the Dutch smart meters but can be applied to any other product, with limited adjustments.

Please download a copy for free (pdf).

