Tracing by Antti Tenetz
Tracing by Antti Tenetz BY-NC-ND

Supre:organism residency by Antti Tenetz

Waag is pleased to announce Antti Tenetz as the recipient of the Supre:organism residency. The residency of Waag’s AI Lab aims to engage artistic perspectives on understanding living materiality in outer space with use of emerging AI technologies.

About the artist

Based in Oulu, the far Nord of Finland, Antti is an artist and naturalist. He has worked and filmed throughout the North, from the Ice Sea to Siberia, and as far south as Thailand. His works are at the crossroads of media-, bio- and urban arts with strong current of interdisciplinary art-science approach. In his works he combines mediums ranging from various technological platforms and materials to living nature.

Proposals for the residency

His proposal was selected from 29 submitted projects by an international jury of art, space and AI experts. What impressed the jury the most was inclusive approach in exploring not just the human becoming in outer space, but also of other living organism, like extremofile microbes and metal metabolising bacteria. Emerging technologies like AI has to be shaped by more than human way of being.


This residency is made possible within the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab, with support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission, Mondriaan Fund and CLICKNL, and is a collaboration between Waag (Amsterdam), International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk), Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam), Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen (Vijfhuizen) and Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (Ljubljana).

Sponsors Supr:organism