DDW The New Intimacy 2020

Dutch Design Week 2020

The Dutch Design Week Eindhoven is taking place this year from 17 to 25 October. Because of COVID-19 regulations, the festival will be held partly online and partly through live studio exhibitions. More information on the practicalities of the festival can be found on their website. The theme for Dutch Design Week 2020 is The New Intimacy.

The New Intimacy

The Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated the urgency of major social challenges we have been aware of for quite some time, such as climate change, inequality and poverty. This has compelled us to find ways to relate differently towards each other, the world around us, our stuff, our health, our data and our government at an accelerated pace. Our scope has become smaller and more intimate, while the connection with others is further removed than ever before.

The search for a new equilibrium has commenced. A balance in which important values such as intimacy and affection are not to be lost. A challenge that requires knowledge, imaginative power and inventiveness from designers. Deploying optimism and creativity, they come up with new concepts that inspire, conceive wonderment and incite action. Designers show us how we can relate to each other and the world in this new reality.

Waag talks at DDW

With our partners from Embassy of Health, Waag is organising three talks during Dutch Design Week. The talks will be held in Dutch and are free to attend through online videoconferencing. The right information for attending the talks will be sent to you after registration.

Monday 19 October
11:30 - 13:00 hrs
citizen science in de zorg

Tuesday 20 October
11:30 - 13:00 hrs
een donorcodicil voor je data?

Thursday 22 October
10:00 - 11:30 hrs
publieke waarden in de digitale zorg

Thursday 22 October
17:30 - 18:30 hrs
labs: future interiors meetup


> To the whole programme of Embassy of Health
> Exposition Chronic Health: Happily ever after?


Check out what we did at Dutch Design Week in 2019, 2018 and 2017.


