Karien Vermeulen

Karien VermeulenHead of programme

Karien Vermeulen works as head of programme education at Waag.

In her function Karien wants to inspire education to develop projects together in which new technology is used to create an optimal learning environment. In this, creativity, co-creation, experimenting, the learning experience and above all the pupils are the key elements.

Closed projects

culturele maakkaravaan
Maker Education Lab

Culturele Maakkaravaan

Waag collaborates with the City of Amsterdam in the project Culturele Maakkaravaan to explore and improve the relationship between Amsterdam citizens and the digital city.
AI AI Barbie
Creative Learning Lab

AI AI Barbie

In 'AI AI Barbie', new frameworks for responsible use of AI in toys are being drawn up together with parents, children and experts.
Zichtbaar slimmer - datafysicalisatie workshop door Waag
Creative Learning Lab

Visibly smarter

Can you touch data? Together with primary school students HvA and Waag are looking for a tangible representation of big data.
Maakplaats 021 fellowship
Maker Education Lab

Maakplaats 021 Fellowship

The Maakplaats 021 Fellowship programme is a unique training for primary and secondary education teachers from Amsterdam.
Creative Learning Lab


SUSHI is an interactive app for educational support of the theater programme Revolutions of Het Nationale Theater.
Makerbox Waag
Maker Education Lab

Waag Makerbox

By making it yourself, you learn better how 'things' and 'systems' are put together and you can get creative with technology yourself.
FabLearn Maakfestival Eindhoven
Maker Education Lab

Maker festival

MakerEducation.nl and Maker Faire Eindhoven presented the best that the maker industry and maker education have to offer.
Hack the Brain
Creative Learning Lab


BrainBeliefs is a research project in the field of neurofeedback, (developing) a growth mindset and learning motivation and performance.
ABC van het maken
Maker Education Lab

The ABC of Making

The world needs a new generation of critical makers and designers. Maker education can help with that.
Smart Kids Lab, Marineterrein Amsterdam, Smart Kids Lab
Creative Learning Lab

Smart Kids Lab

The Smart Kids Lab enables children to map their environment in a playful way, by using modern technology and instruments.
Platform Maker Education
Maker Education Lab

Platform Maker Education

Platform Maker Education gave an impuls to the bottom-up maker education movement in The Netherlands.
Sigismund II
Creative Learning Lab

Sigismund II

Sigismund has been around since 2006 in developing a successful educational project at the archive of the province of Drenthe.
Maker Education Lab


Learning by making. With a focus on creativity, technology and entrepreneurship. That is what the project FabSchool is about.