Natalia Vargas, Waag, door Jimena Gauna

Natalia VargasProject Manager

Natalia Vargas is a project manager with Waag's Open Wetlab, FabLab and Open Design Lab. Here, she leads projects on the nexus of science, technology and the arts. She did her studies in Cracow, Paris, Edinburgh and Amsterdam, and before she started at Waag, she worked in projects and IT for a multinational.

Natalia is interested in the way things work: how does a city work, how does a team work, how do we work? She is also fond of and engaged in art and performance (singing, dancing and theatre).

Current projects

Een vrouw met een velgekleurd jasje houd een apparaat vast. Achter haar is een sterrenhemel geprojecteerd tegen een muur met gele en paarse sterren.
Future Internet Lab


EXCENTRIC ontwikkelt en implementeert een Collaborative Data Practice door de uitvoering van vier sectorspecifieke en twee cross-sectorale pilots onder echte werkomstandigheden.
Open Wetlab


VOICE (Valorising Artist-Led Innovation Through Citizen Engagement) is an EU-funded project that explores the intersection of art, technology, and society to drive social and environmental change. The project is structured in two phases, supporting artists as key facilitators of collaborative, concern-driven innovation. In the pilot phase, six selected ATSI projects are undergoing a structured process of praxis-based research, mentoring, capacity building, funding and communication support. 
Asunder - Silicon Valley
Space Lab


The way people imagine the planet substantially impacts the environment. More-than-Planet will address a crisis of planetary imaginary.
S+T+ARTS Prize trophy with logo
Open Design Lab

S+T+ARTS Prize

The STARTS Prize is an annual recognition of two innovative projects at the interface of science, technology and art.
Female Farm beauty products
Open Design Lab

Better Factory

Better Factory will provide methodology and opportunities for manufacturers to collaborate with artists at developing new and personalized products.
Cyberspecies Proximity by Anna Dumitriu & Alex May
Open Design Lab


By collaborating with artists, technology partners and manufacturers, Vojext addresses human-robot interaction that contributes to today’s societal and also environmental challenges. 
Open Next - Embassy of Health DDW
Open Design Lab

Open Next

Today’s mass-produced product creation is expensive, risky and unsustainable. SMEs and maker communities across Europe are coming together to fundamentally change the way we create, produce, and distribute products.