Fabrics and Fabrication
Under the guidance of TextileLab Amsterdam the Master Industrial Design (MID) students worked on design projects that focus on the unethical and environmental unfriendly realities of the current textile and clothing industry.
During this project students were fostering disruptive approaches, searching alternative models for production and business. Therefore research played an important role. Design research dealing with material culture: the connection of humans to material objects and the role these objects and their manufacturing play socially, culturally, economically and ecologically.
Consequential this design research is focused on deducting and construing meaning and is complementary to scientific research in which obtaining knowledge is the primary target. The results of the research materialised in a design that deals with the well being of people and the planet.
Head Of Department Master Industrial Design at Royal Academy of Art (KABK) is Maaike Roozenburg who guided the students together with Yassine Salihine, Lenneke Langenhuijsen, Brecht Duyf and TextileLab Amsterdam during this project.
TextileLab Amsterdam acted as a client, providing the students with input and inspiration during a kick-off at the TextileLab and during feedback sessions along the process. In addition, gave a lecture and a workshop on bioplastics. The project was concluded with a presentation at Waag.
Meta data
Project duration