Dutch society is currently facing major issues; socio-economic inequality is growing and we are in the midst of the green transition. Libraries play an important role in the conversation about these issues. They form the bridge between science and society by supporting residents to do their own research, by sharing scientific insights in an understandable way and by organising public debate.

At the same time, private digital platforms (like X, Facebook or YouTube) have largely taken over the role of libraries in the digital sphere. They are currently the place where we gather, communicate and exchange information online. For these private platforms, financial profit takes precedence over social interest. Sometimes with far-reaching consequences such as mass discrimination or manipulation of elections.

In the project KennisCloud 2.0 Waag Futurelab, Bibliotheek Midden-Brabant, VPRO and Driebit are working on an alternative platform that puts social interest first: KennisCloud. Founded by libraries, KennisCloud is a place where citizens, scientists, journalists, knowledge institutions and developers engage in conversation and exchange knowledge. It is a hybrid space: interested parties can join public programmes offline as well as online at KennisCloud.nl.

In the KennisCloud 2.0 project, we are giving KennisCloud an update. Together with residents, (citizen) scientists, libraries, developers and broadcasters, Waag is creating a place with a safely moderated debate, improving reliable knowledge sharing, creating cohesion between offline and online public spaces, making KennisCloud open source and connecting KennisCloud to other digital spaces.

Public Stack

Every technology or platform consists of different layers, each with its own function. These layers range from physical (like hardware) and virtual (like data or algorithms) to conceptual (like the revenue model. We call these layers a stack. In the Public Stack these layers put public values at the centre of the design process.

The Public Stack will be the foundation of the further developments of KennisCloud. Users of KennisCloud are involved in the (re)design of each KennisCloud layer, creating a new version of the platform built on public values.
In KennisCloud 2.0, Waag uses its expertise in the field of the public stack, co-creation and citizen science to make KennisCloud an open source platform based on public values.

Meta data

Project duration

1 Apr 2024 - 31 Mar 2026





This project was created with the support of the Pica Foundation, the organisation that promotes scientific and public information by, among other things, funding projects.