Platformcoöp Incubator
Interactions and payments in the city are often made possible by the use of data. But who owns this data and how is it managed? A 'data commons' is a way to keep the management of data within the community.
Datacommons are data platforms in which the community collectively defines the rules for access and use and where a balance is achieved between sharing and protecting data. Datacommons are a central part of the community economy: an economic model in which cooperation and profit sharing are central.
The City of Amsterdam wants to develop opportunities for initiatives that organise themselves according to rules of a community economy. Think of start-ups that develop cooperative digital technologies by and for the benefit of the community.
Commissioned by CTO Amsterdam, the Commons Network and Waag are researching the creation of cooperative platforms and developing an accelerator programme in which such initiatives will be guided and supported. In this project, Waag focuses on desk research, interviews and the organisation of workshops. She will explore the (technical) design and developmental challenges of commons in the digital domain.