PULSE-ART aims to provide strong evidence of the positive impact of art in education on cultural expression and awareness (CAE). Central to this is the integration of art, cultural and heritage institutions, such as museums, galleries and cultural centres, into education. This will address deficiencies in the education system that hinder the role of art in CAE.

The project will develop case studies in seven countries, applying artistic formats adapted to each context. From scientific illustration in Spain to music in Morocco, dance in Latvia and game art in France, creative diversity is the driving force to create inclusive and dynamic educational spaces that celebrate multiculturalism.

The initiative is developing several reference materials, including:

  1.  a competence framework;
  2.  a professional development programme; 
  3. self-reflection tools, which are being tested in seven countries through case studies involving various art forms and a focus on lifelong learning.

Collaborative hubs between educational institutions and cultural organisations are also set up to bridge gaps with innovative and tailored methodologies.

PULSE-ART ensures inclusion of all children and young people, aiming to promote democracy and civic engagement in Europe. Key pillars are cooperation at European, national and local levels, capacity building, co-creation and knowledge sharing.

By integrating intercultural, inclusive and gender perspectives in the local case studies and using different art techniques, PULSE-ART enriches the validation of methodologies and results. National action plans and a European policy document will support policymakers in strengthening arts in education and increasing CAE.

Meta data

Project duration

1 Nov 2024 - 31 Oct 2027




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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only.