Responsible Business Models

How do we define the public space now that human life is partially taking place online? The public space on the street is easy to imagine, and public debate in traditional media is well regulated. The notion of a digital public space can be hard to imagine. The online world is largely a commercial and private space. Even though an unprecedented amount of human interaction takes place in the digital realm, the digital environment is created and dictated by the design choices, filtering algorithms, preferences and, above all, interests of big tech companies.

In this project, funded by ClickNL, Waag Futurlab and the HvA investigated the conditions for digital public spaces and the fundamental aspects of responsible business models. We investigated what responsible business models are, starting from the non-extractive, sustainable, and non-monopolistic alternatives to the business models of large tech companies. We looked at how responsible business models can contribute to an open and heterogeneous, digital public space.

As part of this research, we:

We published our Responsible Business Model Canvas on the Public Stack website, Cultuur-Ondernemen and with Cultuurloket DigitALL. Soon, you can also find our insights and Canvas in the magazines of Baaz and Holland Management Review

Meta data

Project duration

1 Dec 2022 - 31 Dec 2023


