Current projects
Balanced Choices
Future Internet Lab
Balanced Choices
Waag develops a recommender application for libraries and other cultural institutions where values such as privacy and autonomy are central and the data is managed by the end-user themselvesSocial research agenda for AI
Future Internet Lab
Social research agenda for AI
Making researchers in the field of AI more aware of the questions and concerns surrounding AI that exist in society.Code of Conduct for the social economy
Commons Lab
Code of Conduct for the social economy
Working closely with the European Commission (Directorate General GROW), Waag Futurelab and the Commons Network are joining forces to develop a Code of Conduct together with individuals, organizations and agencies in the social economy. All with a shared goal to share, collect and build data management capacity within the ecosystem.Bridging the digital divide
Commons Lab
Bridging the digital divide
In Amsterdam, about 20% of residents cannot manage digitally. This creates tension with the fact that public services are increasingly digitising. In this project, we investigate the issue of how and why digital inequality exists in AmsterdamMobifree
Future Internet Lab
Mobifree aims to bring about change in the development and use of mobile software in Europe by citizens, businesses, non-profit organisations and governments.Digital Deal
Future Internet Lab
Digital Deal
How accelerated, yet unconsidered adoption of new technologies – such as artificial intelligence and machine learning – can alter or undermine democratic processes.Responsible Business Models
Future Internet Lab
Responsible Business Models
In this project, Waag and HvA investigate the conditions for digital public spaces and the fundamental aspects of a responsible business model.Open HEM now!
Commons Lab
Open HEM now!
Commissioned by the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland and Top Sector Energy, Waag is developing a Public Stack for home energy management systems: Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS).Evaluation NWA-route Big Data
Future Internet Lab
Evaluation NWA-route Big Data
Beleidsmakers, private ontwikkelaars en wetenschappers bespreken vragen over big data van de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda.Living Lab Open Cultuurdata
Future Internet Lab
Living Lab Open Cultuurdata
Making cultural events easier to find with open-source technology. By NPO, Sound & Vision, PublicSpaces and Waag.Atelier
Commons Lab