Simone van der Burg door Jimena Gauna - portret Waag

Simone van der BurgHead of Programme Code

Simone van der Burg is Head of Programme of the Code research group within Waag. She leads the team that focusses on digital public spaces and the (digital) commons. Next to this she is part of the Waag Management Board.

Before joining Waag Futurelab, Simone worked at Wageningen University and Research, where she was a Senior Researcher, and the programme leader for Ethics and Responsible Digitalisation. A highly experienced researcher, Simone’s portfolio at WUR focused on matters related to the impact of robotics/AI on agriculture and horticulture workers, and related ethical questions.

Prior to this she was the Assistant Professor in Ethics of Healthcare and Responsible Research and Innovation at IQ Healthcare, RadboudUMC. As graduate of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, she holds a PhD in Philosophy/Ethics, with a dissertation entitled ‘In kritisch gezelschap’ (‘In critical company’), on the role of criticism in ethics based on practices.

Current projects

Een vrouw met een velgekleurd jasje houd een apparaat vast. Achter haar is een sterrenhemel geprojecteerd tegen een muur met gele en paarse sterren.
Future Internet Lab


EXCENTRIC ontwikkelt en implementeert een Collaborative Data Practice door de uitvoering van vier sectorspecifieke en twee cross-sectorale pilots onder echte werkomstandigheden.
twee personen zitten achter een laptop
Commons Lab


Digit-Able aims to strengthen the digital capabilities and skills of social enterprises
Future Internet Lab

Balanced Choices

Waag develops a recommender application for libraries and other cultural institutions where values such as privacy and autonomy are central and the data is managed by the end-user themselves
Screen with ChatGPT
Future Internet Lab

Social research agenda for AI

Making researchers in the field of AI more aware of the questions and concerns surrounding AI that exist in society.
Code of Conduct
Commons Lab

Code of Conduct for the social economy

Working closely with the European Commission (Directorate General GROW), Waag Futurelab and the Commons Network are joining forces to develop a Code of Conduct together with individuals, organizations and agencies in the social economy. All with a shared goal to share, collect and build data management capacity within the ecosystem.
Change the Design 2019
Commons Lab

Bridging the digital divide

In Amsterdam, about 20% of residents cannot manage digitally. This creates tension with the fact that public services are increasingly digitising. In this project, we investigate the issue of how and why digital inequality exists in Amsterdam
Drukke metro met mensen die allemaal op hun telefoon bezig zijn
Future Internet Lab


Mobifree aims to bring about change in the development and use of mobile software in Europe by citizens, businesses, non-profit organisations and governments.
AI Culture Lab binary code visual
Future Internet Lab

Digital Deal

How accelerated, yet unconsidered adoption of new technologies – such as artificial intelligence and machine learning – can alter or undermine democratic processes.
Mensen die aan een tafel met een workshop bezig zijn. Ze praten met elkaar en op tafel ligt een vel papier met stiften ernaast.
Future Internet Lab

Responsible Business Models

In this project, Waag and HvA investigate the conditions for digital public spaces and the fundamental aspects of a responsible business model.
Open HEM nu, Waag, 2022, Vivent Solar via Unsplash
Commons Lab

Open HEM now!

Commissioned by the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland and Top Sector Energy, Waag is developing a Public Stack for home energy management systems: Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS).
Big Data
Future Internet Lab

Support NWA Route: Value creation through responsible AI and Big Data

Policy makers, private developers and researchers discuss questions about the National Research Agenda's big data.
Future Internet Lab

Living Lab Open Cultuurdata

Making cultural events easier to find with open-source technology. By NPO, Sound & Vision, PublicSpaces and Waag.
Public Stack Summit
Commons Lab


Atelier is a five-year project funded by the European Commission that focuses on shaping energy-positive neighbourhoods. Residents, local stakeholders and companies will work together in these neighbourhoods to create a local energy system that generates energy sustainably.